It’s generally accepted that the number 8 is a biblical symbol of rebirth and resurrection.  It is also the indication of the start of a new cycle in a repeating pattern.  This post is a summary of my understanding of how we can demonstrate that right from the pages of Scripture.  We will see that having an understanding of the biblical significance of the  number 8 is vital in determining the meaning of certain eschatological passages.  In particular, the Beast/8th King of Revelation 17.

When we see this number, it indicates that a cycle is beginning to repeat itself or even references the cyclic pattern itself.

Like the number 7, the number 8 is ubiquitous in Scripture.  We will not take an exhaustive look at all of its occurrences as this would require a great deal of space.  Yet, there are a few very dramatic occurrences that make it quite clear what the number 8 means.  Other passages exist which can confirm this even further.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Insanity and Restoration

The rebirth aspect of the number 8 is most clearly seen in Daniel 4 where Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom is restored to him exactly 8 years after his downfall was predicted.  Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, was told of this downfall exactly 1 year (12 months) before it took place (Daniel 4:29,32).  Then, for a 7 full years he went insane (Daniel 4:16,23,25,32).  It was only by the providence of God that his kingdom withstood his madness.  God told him that his stump would be preserved with bronze and iron (Daniel 4:15).  And it was.  And then it was restored after he humbled himself (Daniel 4:34-37; 5:18-23).  But, this preservation was short lived as the kingdom suffered a more spectacular and complete fall in Daniel 5 under the leadership of Belshazzar (Daniel 5:30) because he would not humble himself as his father Nebuchadnezzar had.

4th Beast of Daniel 7

Yet, even that wasn’t the end of Babylon.  After a period of peace and restoration under Medo-Persia, its “spirit” rose again in the form of Greece and the Greco-Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  Antiochus was symbolically an 8th king in Daniel 7.  He was literally the 11th horn but he had uprooted 3 horns before it (Daniel 7:8).  That Antiochus is the Little Horn of Daniel 7 is contested by many conservative scholars, but I feel it can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that this identity is correct. A demonstration of this can be found here.

Like Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom, this 4th Beast is associated with bronze and iron.  The 4th Beast had teeth of iron and claws of bronze (Daniel 7:7,19).  As argued here with an exhaustive, scriptural look at the Messianic significance of bronze and iron when used together in isolation from other metals, this signifies that the teeth and claws were parts of the Beast that were preserved and not destroyed along with its body (Daniel 7:11).  They would remain along with the previous 3 still living yet disenfranchised beasts (Daniel 7:12).  The teeth and claws, symbolizing the head and feet (i.e. generally thought to represent thoughts and deeds), were awaiting a day when their body (i.e. earthly authority) would be restored.  Compare to the exchange of power described in Revelation 17:13,17.

The 8th Generation of Adam Through Cain

Another significant occurrence of 8 in conjunction with bronze and iron is in Genesis 4.  Here we find the account of the 8th and final recorded generation of Adam through Cain.  Cain’s line is of course a line laden with sin.

Tubal-Cain, the third son of Lamech, was a member of this 8th generation.  He was a worker of iron and bronze.

The implied 8 and reference to bronze and iron here suggests the repeating cycle with which Cain’s bloodline would be characterized by dreadful sin.

If attributing messianic significance to Lamech’s children sounds like wild speculation, consider the following:

  • Cain is  associated with 7-fold vengeance (Genesis 4:15)
  • Lamech boasts of his 77-fold self-vengeance (Genesis 4:24)
  • Lamech is also the 7th descendant of Adam through Cain [Note: the New Testament writers noticed that the Enoch of Seth’s line was 7th from Adam (Jude 1:14).  The Lamech of Cain’s line is in the same position sequentially from Adam]
  • Tubal-Cain’s brothers Jabal [H2989] and Jubal [H3016] (Genesis 4:21) are related to the word for Jubilee [H3104].  The year of Jubliee was the year after a 7-fold period of 7-year periods. (i.e. 49 years).  Likewise, the Feast of Weeks was celebrated on the day following a 7-fold period of 7-weeks, the 50th day.  Pentecost [G4005], the New Testament term for the Feast of Weeks, comes from the Greek word for 50.  Like the year of Jubilee, the day following this period  is significant because it’s the start of the 8th period in both cases.  The cycles of 7 are in each case and beginning to repeat.

Other observations pertaining to the line of Cain are made here.


Here, we’ve seen three separate occurrences of the number 8 in conjunction with bronze and iron in isolation from mentions of other possible metals.  These are just a few of these biblical cases where 8 is used with obvious messianic significance.  In each case discussed here, there are references or allusions to the crushing and subsequent restoration of the enemies of God and his people.  Therefore, its reasonable to see the scriptural use of the number 8 as a credible symbol which indicates a repeating cycle of death and rebirth.